Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let's get it going

So I have not done anything with this blog in years. I have good intentions about trying to keep it up and to finish my book (about faith and relationships), but without any deadlines I'm not getting it done. As I listen to the news from time to time I am constantly reminded of the poor state of our relationships. Whether it is the man who shot the judge, the nine year old boy, and the senator or the guy the year before that opened fire on his ex-wife and her family killing them all and burning down their trailer...I just feel like I've got something to offer.

It isn't that much, but it's something. My basic message is that we are made for relationships and that relationships are hard. I've got a little more, but that's the main gist of it. I think we are confused about why we are here and we expect it to be a bit easier.

Some people think we are just here until we are worm food. Or we are here to enjoy life as best we can...until we get to that worm food stage. Or maybe we are here so we can point out where everyone else is wrong. I guess people have been trying to figure out why we are here as long as...well as long as we've been here.

I think we are here for relationships. Love your God, love your neighbor, and love yourself. And it ain't easy. That's my message. Get ready for more where that came from.
